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Crushed Glass Insulation – Properties

Well, among the roofing insulations the crushed glass insulation is made up compressed material mixed with a foaming object. These substances are combined, set in a pattern and afterwards they are flamed to a very high temperature of around 900F. Through the flaming procedure the mashed glass material is converted into a fluid and the […]

Well, among the roofing insulations the crushed glass insulation is made up compressed material mixed with a foaming object. These substances are combined, set in a pattern and afterwards they are flamed to a very high temperature of around 900F.

Through the flaming procedure the mashed glass material is converted into a fluid and the corrosion of the foaming object makes the solution to increase and then pack the mold. During the development of the solution, it generates huge amount of linked, even and congested cells to create a strong insulating element. The crushed glass insulation was initially utilized way back in the 20th century and it is still being widely used.

The compressed glass has got numerous wanted insulating properties. The crushed glass is impervious, long lasting, has steady dimensions, fire resistant, very tough and also resists chemical reactions as well. The impervious quality of the crushed glass insulation is very useful in avoiding dampness. Moreover this kind of insulation has got brilliant heat efficiency preservation as compared to several other filling kinds.

The crushed glass insulation has got a very low heat extension coefficient 0.00000050inch/F that is just like the metallic steel. The very low value of coefficient indicates that for hundred Fahrenheit alteration in the heat over hundred feet, the compressed insulation will then enlarge around half an inch. The small extension forms a steady platform for the roof covering structure but only if the insulation is perfectly protected and fixed to the deck

The compressed insulation element is flame resistant because it does not involve any organic substance and is created from hundred percent glass. The very high condensation power of the crushed glass insulation means that it is perfect for the roofing to survive and oppose intense construction and the, instruments or tools weight as well.

Source by Nazima Golamaully
