How To Pick The Best Shed Design For Your Needs - 1Home

How To Pick The Best Shed Design For Your Needs

The Best Shed Design

Deciding the proper shed design for your backyard will involve a number of factors. You will need to understand what the function of your backyard shed will be. The structure could be used as a place for storage or simply as a place to work. A number designs are available that can meet the needs of these various functions.

Backyard Sheds For Storage

Pent Roof Shed

There are a number of designs that can be used this function. One such backyard shed design is the pent roof style shed. This type of structure involves the use of a roof which is of a single pitch. The structure can be built as a stand-alone unit or it can be built up against a larger structure for support.

Salt Box Roof Shed

This type of shed design uses an asymmetrical roof design. One side is long sloping and the other side is shorter with a steeper slope. This type of shed design can be used to construct a shed in you backyard. However it will be more complicated and time-consuming to build than a mono pitched structure such as a pent roof shed.

The backyard shed design does come with it drawbacks when it comes to basic storage. This is because of the roof design. The longer sloping side of the roof will not allow you to get the premium storage capacity as will other storage systems will give you. The barn roof storage shed may be on to consider. However this simple shed design will still give you plenty of storage space in the other side of the roof system.

This shed design if great for areas of the world that receive large amount of precipitation as the shape of the roof allows run off for rain or melting snow and ice. The structure can also be safely accessed with regards of removing excessive snow build up

Backyard Shed Used as a Place To Work

Clerestory Style Shed

A great type of shed to consider for your backyard is the clerestory shed design. This shed structure would be a great place to use as a work place. The design uses a number of windows in the roof. These windows are known as clerestory windows, allowing for natural light to illuminate the interior of the structure. Because the window are placed in the roof this gives the structure a very attractive appearance and also makes it very functional.

Best Regards

Source by Paul Luciw

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